Plastic Canvas Design Ideas – Use yarn to create two fun and retro plastic canvas ornaments for Christmas, including a playful rainbow ornament and a keepsake frame ornament!
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Plastic Canvas Design Ideas
Hello, crafty friends! Today is Day 10 of “12 Days of Holiday Crafting” and I’m sharing a tutorial for making two different plastic string ornaments – a rainbow and a frame. Perfect for displaying on your holiday tree this year or as a gift for someone special.
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Wrapping is one of my favorite things to make! It reminds me of the plastic canvas box covers my grandmother had in her bathroom when I was growing up. It has such a great retro feel which I think is perfect for the Christmas season!
Another reason I like plastic canvas is how easy it is to sew with. I used cling film and thread to teach the children to sew. Using yarn and a large dull needle, this is the perfect craft for beginner sewists and experienced sewists looking for an easy and relaxing project.
Below are the instructions for making two plastic canvas ornaments! Choose any color yarn you want to match your holiday decoration, or use whatever yarn you have on hand. While I chose a muted Christmas palette, you could choose bright colors or classic Christmas colors – anything goes!
Cut the plastic sheet to the correct shape and size for each decoration. The fabric can be easily cut with sharp scissors.
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Sew the Yarn Frame Decorations Step One: Sew the frame decoration pieces with a bias stitch.
A bias seam is used to cover both the front and back of the frame. On the back of the frame, use a large diagonal stitch covering the 2 canvas threads (going over the three holes). For the front of the frame, use a diagonal stitch that covers 1 canvas thread (goes over the two holes).
Back: Begin by picking up the yarn through the corner of the canvas, leaving about a 1-2 inch tail of yarn on the back. Hold the back of the fabric past the tail. Create a diagonal stitch that extends across the two threads of the canvas. Catch the tail with each stitch. Finally, it will be completely covered with your diagonal stitching.
Continue taking diagonal stitches around the canvas. When turning the corner, there is a small stitch at the beginning and end of the row. Just keep your stitches in the same direction.
Plastic Canvas Wall Hanging Door Toran Design/cross Stitch/beautiful Bird 🐦 Design
If your yarn is 3-4 inches long, insert the needle about 5-6 stitches down the back of the canvas. Then cut the rest of the yarn close to the work.
Front: Begin by bringing the yarn through the corner of the canvas, leaving about a 1-2 inch yarn tail behind. Hold the back of the fabric past the tail. Create a diagonal stitch that extends over 1 thread of the canvas. Catch the tail with each stitch. Finally, it will be completely covered with your diagonal stitching.
Start by placing the needle under 5-6 diagonal stitches to secure the yarn end. Then pass the needle through the first sail hole and wrap the yarn around the edge of the film, pass it through the next adjacent hole. Repeat until all four inner edges are covered. Secure it at the end by bringing it under the diagonal seams.
Place the front of the frame on top of the back frame, right sides out. Join the frame on three sides with cross stitches. Bring the yarn up from the corner of the top, leaving about a 1-2″ tail from each piece. Turn the yarn over and come up through the next hole, go over the edge and knit from right to left, taking a horizontal stitch at the beginning and end of each side to cover the corner.
Design Works Plastic Canvas Kit “he Is Risen Wall Hanging ” (m)
Slip a piece of yarn through the front of the ornament and tie it into a bow. Add a hanging loop to the back of the ornament by threading a piece of yarn through a few diagonal stitches and tying the loop into a knot.
Leave a yarn tail at the beginning and end of the seam. It is cut at the end to create tassels at the ends of the rainbow. Use a small diagonal stitch that extends over 1 thread of canvas.
Use a small whipstitch for the inside and outside seams of the rainbow to cover the edges of the canvas.
The yarn tails from sewing the rainbow can be on the front of the back of the ornament. To fill these tassels, insert a short piece of wire through the bottom of the hole in the Canvas. Freebloss 4 Set Plastic Canvas Box Halloween Style Cross Stitch Acrylic Yarn And Embroidery Tools With Instruction Plastic Canvas Crafts
Repeat, stuffing until the tassel strands look full and come out of the bottom row of holes on both the front and back.
These ornaments are really so much fun to make! This is a great hand sewing project for tweens and beginning sewists, as well as experienced sewists looking for a fun project!
Check out my other Christmas ornaments and visit my Christmas crafts page! I’ll be back tomorrow with Day #11 of “12 Days of Holiday Crafts!”
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